"The Thai Navy has been accused of abuses. These also include shooting at boatloads of Rohingya and selling others to human traffickers. The Thai government has said it will look into the allegations.
The situation for Rohingya heading to Bangladesh and Malaysia is also far from ideal. An estimated 200,000 Rohingya languish in squalid, unofficial camps on the Bangladeshi coast and only around 28,000 of them have been registered as refugees. After violence erupted in Rakhine, Bangladesh turned away boatloads of fleeing Rohingya. (...) The latest violence against Muslims, most of whom were not Rohingya, and Buddhists represents a challenge for the nation's democratic reform progress" (Asia Times)
Parfois qualifiés de "peuple le plus persécuté du monde" les Rohingyas, victimes d'une vague de massacre en juin dernier puis en octobre, restent traités comme des citoyens de seconde zone dans leur pays. Le Myanmar (Birmanie) refuse de réintégrer les exilés parmi lesquels 125 000 étaient exposés aux moussons torrentielles dans des camps fin mars.
3 avril : "A Special Representative in the UN Secretary-General, has assessed the violence in Myanmar by stating “the support of the international community is necessary for the Rohingya Muslims.” for humanitarian aid / support of the international community needed.”In an interview with Turkish media, Vijay Nambiar— a Special Representative in the UN Secretary-General—reminded that the attacks against the Muslim minority in the Arakan state of Myanmar have been ongoing since last year" (Rohang Press). Les Occidentaux n'exercent aucune pression sur le Myanmar pour le respect des droits de la minorité rohingya, et n'aident pas les réfugiés dans les pays voisins.